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Charcoal Drawing

For this charcoal still life, I placed objects in a cubby and observed the scene from a bird’s eye view. My main goal was to capture the different textures and three dimensionality of the objects represented.

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With Fortune Cookies
Mixed media: Charcoal & Soft Pastel

I wanted to create a still life using images that I find interesting, and for this drawing I chose to draw fortune cookies. I was fascinated by the broken cookie forms covered by the wrinkled plastic bag. The roughness of the ripped paper and the messy nature of the objects represent the time of day after a family finishes dinner and faces the mess to tidy up.

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Cat’s Cradle
Mixed media: Soft Pastel, Foil, and Black Thread

This drawing represents my childhood and innocence. When I was small, I often played cat’s cradle with my sister. Not only was it a fun pastime for us both, but it developed our creativity and the shapes we created were beautiful.




Mixed media: Charcoal, Soft Pastel, and Gold Chain

This piece represents stress and challenges that I must carry with me for my entire life. A play on the phrase “emotional baggage,” I am seated atop huge piles of luggage. I used charcoal for myself and soft pastels for the luggage. The variety of colors on the luggage imply the many different kinds of challenges I must face. The cold black and white of my figure represent my desire to hide away from these problems.


Silver Spoon


Mixed media: Charcoal, Gold Chain, and Gold Leaves

Originally referencing the phrase “born with a silver spoon,” the golden chains represent a lack of free will, defined at birth. I want to show that all babies have their own right to choose their lives and dreams for the future. Gold leaf crumbs around their mouths and gold chains inside their mouth represent the limitation of a child’s future thoughts, abilities, curiosity, innocence, and imagination. Regardless of socioeconomic standing at birth, children are often raised to meet their parent’s expectations without a full range of personal possibility. This drawing represents my hope that parents can stop controlling their children and lead them to the water where they can swim more freely.




Acrylic Painting

I am very fascinated by spiders despite my terrible fear of them. This painting represents my strong curiosity in the face of fear. I enjoyed experimenting with a strong color palette, and wanted the spiders to stand out as beautiful and terrible against the dark blue space.


COMA (Dreaming)


Acrylic Painting

This painting was inspired by my dreams. I am very obsessed with my dreams and I believe that they hold meaning for us in our everyday lives. This image represents my frustration to remember my dreams, because I often forget.




Oil Painting

The strong colors in this piece are meant to remind audience of a “Starburst”. This painting is very expressive like bursting stars. I am too full of thoughts and ideas which causes me too feel intensely as though I have stars bursting in my head.

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Descendant of the Sun


Oil Painting

This painting depicts a place and scene that I envisioned in a dream, a place I want to go. The dripping at the bottom of the page shows that this space only exists in my fantasies, but maybe future generations can make it a reality.




Oil Painting

This oil painting is based on a direct observation and represents complication of human relationship like the stack of easels. Use of multiple colors makes this piece abstract and expressive.


A Child Called “It”


3D Sculpture

Inspired by the book of the same name by David Pelzer, recounting his own experiences with abuse, I was inspired to create art about the horrific issue of child abuse. Children are the most beautiful living creatures on earth. They are and will be our future. We have to love, respect, and learn from them.

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Crystal Clear


3D Product Design

This 3D abstract shelf is made of wood and house paint. The book shelf is shaped like the geography of America. The colors I chose are mint and blue, meant to evoke the image of a huge ocean wave. The way the shelf is geometrically colored shows the image of crystal.


Baby in a Tunnel Box


3D Design

By looking at this conceptual piece, I want audience to understand that babies can be more happy if parents give them freedom since the babies have ability to find their own identities and personalities. I intentionally put a baby inside a corner of a box to generate a baby’s lack of freedom from his parents. And sharpened pencils represent anxiety, pressure, and burdens of life that a baby has to carry throughout his or her whole life time. They also portray parents’ high expectations for a baby’s success. I purposely made pencils look like icicles in order to illustrate a baby’s insecure status. Lastly, sharpened pencils remind the audience an image of tunnel. Due to the effect of pointy pencils, it makes a baby is trapped in a scoop of hole. Since pencil shavings have rough surfaces, they demonstrate how painful for a baby to walk the path that they do not want. I contrasted brightness and darkness to illustrate a scene that a baby is reaching out for the light outside the tunnel.





This mixed media body sculpture dress is meant to explore my own identity as a young woman full of curiosity and love for the natural world. My mind is shrouded by a sculptural form representing my strong imagination. The body of the form is built from dried coffee filters to add volume, and I am barefoot to show that I am in a natural and unaffected state.


Inside the Mother’s Womb



This installation is connected thematically to the my Silver Spoon series in that it deals with the social constructs in place from birth onward. Submerged in red and connected to the space which represents the womb, I am a fetus. Thin tubes stand for the umbilical cord which connects a mother to her child and provides nutrients. The red strings wrapped around my body resemble veins but also imply the social constructs and complications that the baby will face.

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©2021 by Yoonah Choi

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